Pictured is Mr. Pat Daly getting his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine from Dr. Tom Cahill at Westbury Family Practice. We are delighted the the Covid-19 Vaccine is now being rolled out at Westbury Family Practice. Please note we will contact all our patients over the coming weeks when their vaccine is available….

The HSE has published a list of Priority Groups and the order in which Covid Vaccinations will be offered. We will be obliged to follow these national guidelines. At present, we are awaiting a supply of Covid vaccines. We do not have a list system operating in this practice at present, but please keep…

By law, you have to wear a face covering on public transport, and in: shops, including pharmacies shopping centres libraries cinemas and cinema complexes theatres concert halls bingo halls museums nail salons hair salons and barbers tattoo and piercing parlours travel agents and tour operators laundries and dry cleaners bookmakers You should also wear a…

At present we are living in challenging times. We understand that you have many concerns regarding Covid-19 and also regarding new and ongoing medical problems. It is important to stress that we are available for all your medical needs. We would like in particular to see patients for: Pregnancy Care Childhood Vaccinations Acute Medical Needs…

Patient information sheet for self- isolation. V4.27.03.2020 (1) COVID-19 Guidance for extremely medically vulnerable V1 Advice sheet for people who live in the same home as a person with COVID_v3.27.03.20 For the latest information on public health guidelines please see HSE website

Please note if you have concerns re having symptoms of Coronavirus,temperature, cough,and possible contact with case DO NOT come to surgery please phone the surgery 0214231144 For full details on the latest Coronavirus information https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html

There has been a large increase in mumps cases nationally since late 2018, with over 2,000 cases this year. Recently we have begun to see an increase in Cork and Kerry. So far this year, 68 cases have been notified in the area. The majority of cases are in the 15-24 years old age groups…

The HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has developed some new posters and information to help improve respiratory hygiene in schools. It is a fact that the ten best things to spread bugs amongst children are the ten fingers on their hands. Children are at increased risk for contracting infectious diseases because they: Tend to…

The flu season has well and truly arrived. Influenza activity is likely to have peaked in late December 2019, but has remained at high levels in Ireland during the first weeks of January. Confirmed influenza hospitalisations are at high levels. The Flu Vaccine is still available in the surgery please ring 021 423 1144 to…

Welcome to our new website! From the 1st January 2020 we will be changing our practice name to “Westbury Family Practice” . It will the same great team and the same great medical care and attention. The name change reflects the growth in our practice over the last decade and we look forward to meeting…