Welcome to Westbury Family Practice
Westbury Family Practice is located in Blackrock Hall Primary Care Centre. Here there are 3 GP Practices, several other Medical Professionals and HSE services working out of the same location.
It is a modern, progressive Primary Health Care Centre built in 2010.
We aim to provide a holistic comprehensive service in a friendly atmosphere. Good communication is important to us in building long term relationships with our patients. We respect the autonomy of patients and like to involve you in decisions about your health care. Thus we can provide excellent care for your physical and mental health needs.
At present we are living in challenging times. We understand that you have many concerns regarding Covid-19 and also regarding new and ongoing medical problems. It is important to stress that we are available for all your medical needs. We would like in particular to see patients for:
- Pregnancy Care
- Childhood Vaccinations
- Acute Medical Needs
- Bloods and Investigations for Urgent Medical Conditions – e.g. patients on immunosuppressant therapy or patients with certain chronic illnesses
- Management of Chronic Conditions e.g. diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol tests, check-ups etc…
Please do not arrive at the surgery unannounced. If you telephone the practice, we can assess your problem and decide if a telephone or face to face consultation is more appropriate.
We are asking people to wait in their car until called up for their appointment, in this way we do not risk having too many patients in the practice at any one time. We are taking every precaution to ensure your safety while in the practice.
Please call the surgery on 021 4231144

Latest news
February 24, 2021
Pictured is Mr. Pat Daly getting his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine from Dr….
January 24, 2021
The HSE has published a list of Priority Groups and the order in which…
August 21, 2020
By law, you have to wear a face covering on public transport, and in: shops,…
August 16, 2020
At present we are living in challenging times. We understand that you have many concerns…
March 30, 2020
Patient information sheet for self- isolation. V4.27.03.2020 (1) COVID-19 Guidance for extremely medically vulnerable V1…
February 28, 2020
Please note if you have concerns re having symptoms of Coronavirus,temperature, cough,and possible contact with…
January 23, 2020
There has been a large increase in mumps cases nationally since late 2018, with over…
January 17, 2020
The HSE’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) has developed some new posters and information to…